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dc.contributor.authorSlade, Paul Robert
dc.description.abstractMy thesis explores the way in which the Italian language and literary culture contributed to John Milton’s early development as a poet (over the period up to 1639 and the composition of Epitaphium Damonis). I begin by investigating the nature of the cultural relationship between England and Italy in the late medieval and early modern periods. I then examine how Milton’s own engagement with the Italian language and its literature evolved in the context of his family background, his personal contacts with the London Italian community and modern language teaching in the early seventeenth century as he grew to become a ‘multilingual’ poet. My study then turns to his first published collection of verse, Poems 1645. Here, I reconsider the Italian elements in Milton’s early poetry, beginning with the six poems he wrote in Italian, identifying their place and significance in the overall structure of the volume, and their status and place within the Italian Petrarchan verse tradition. After considering the significance of the Italian titles of L’Allegro and Il Penseroso, I assess the impact of Italian verse forms (and particularly the canzone) upon Milton’s early poetry in English and the question of the nature of the relationship between Milton’s Mask presented at Ludlow Castle and Tasso’s ‘favola boschereccia’, Aminta. Finally, I consider the place in Milton’s career of his journey to Italy in 1938-9 and its importance to him as a personal ‘conquest’ of Italy. I suggest that, far from setting him upon the path toward poetic glory, as is often claimed, his return England marked the beginning of a lengthy hiatus in his poetic career. My argument is that Milton was much more Italianate, by background, accident of birth and personal bent, than has usually been recognised and that an appreciation of how this Italian aspect of his cultural identity contributed to his poetic development is central to an understanding of his poetry.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonI have submitted articles based on sections of my thesis for publication and intend to submit further articles.en_GB
dc.rightsThis thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. The thesis is under embargo until 1st December 2019.en_GB
dc.subjectEarly Modern Literatureen_GB
dc.subjectJohn Miltonen_GB
dc.subjectThe Grand Touren_GB
dc.subjectPoems 1645en_GB
dc.subjectItalian verseen_GB
dc.titleItalia Conquistata: The Role of Italy in Milton’s Early Poetic Developmenten_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorEdwards, Karen
dc.type.degreetitlePhD Englishen_GB

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