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dc.contributor.authorCrowley, SL
dc.contributor.authorHinchliffe, S
dc.contributor.authorMcDonald, RA
dc.description.abstractWildlife reintroductions can unsettle social and ecological norms, and are often controversial. In this paper, we examine the recent (re)introduction of Eurasian beavers to England, to analyse responses to an unauthorised release of a formerly resident species. Although the statutory response to the introduction was to attempt to reassert ecological and political order by recapturing the beavers, this action was strongly opposed by a diverse collective, united and made powerful by a common goal: to protect England’s ‘new’ nonhuman residents. We show how this clash of state resolve and public dissent produced an uneasy compromise in the form of a formal, licensed ‘beaver reintroduction trial’, in which the new beaver residents have been allowed to remain, but under surveillance. We propose that although the trial is unorthodox and risky, there is an opportunity for it to be treated as a ‘wild experiment’ through which a more open-ended, experimental approach to co-inhabiting with wildlife might be attempted.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: SLC was supported by a scholarship from the University of Exeter.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 49 (8), pp. 1846-1866en_GB
dc.publisherSAGE Publicationsen_GB
dc.rights© The Author(s) 2017. Reprints and permissions:
dc.subjectEnvironmental conflicten_GB
dc.subjectEurasian beaveren_GB
dc.subjectpolitical ecologyen_GB
dc.subjectUnited Kingdomen_GB
dc.subjectwildlife reintroductionen_GB
dc.titleNonhuman citizens on trial: The ecological politics of a beaver reintroductionen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalEnvironment and Planning Aen_GB

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