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dc.contributor.authorSandbach, S
dc.contributor.authorNicholas, AP
dc.contributor.authorAshworth, P
dc.contributor.authorBest, J
dc.contributor.authorKeevil, C
dc.contributor.authorParsons, D
dc.contributor.authorProkocki, E
dc.contributor.authorSimpson, C
dc.description.abstractThe transition between riverine and estuarine environments is characterised by a change from unidirectional to bidirectional flows, in a region referred to herein as the Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ). In order to improve our understanding of the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of this zone, we present a combined field and numerical modelling study of the Columbia River Estuary (CRE), USA, tidally-influenced fluvial zone. The CRE is large measuring 40 km in length and between 5 and 10 km wide. A shallow water model (Delft3D) was applied in both 2D and 3D configurations and model sensitivity to the key process parameterizations was investigated. Our results indicate that a 2D model constrained within the estuary can sufficiently reproduce depth-averaged flow within the TIFZ of a stratified estuary. Model results highlight the interactions between tidal-, fluvial- and topographic-forcing that result in depth dependent tidal rectification, and thus zones of residual sediment transport that: i) may be flood-directed along shallow channel margins and in the lee of bars, and simultaneously ii) is ebb-directed within deeper channel thalwegs. This condition is enhanced at lower discharges, but increased fluvial discharge reduces the number and size of regions with net flood-directed sediment transport and flow. These sediment transport patterns provide a mechanism to extend the bar/island topography downstream, and generate flood-directed, ebb-directed, and symmetrical bedforms, all within the same channel. Analysis of the model data reveals flood-directed sediment transport is due to both tidal variability and mean flow. These results highlight the need to include the mean flow component (M0) when considering the long-term morphodynamic evolution in a TIFZ. Model results highlight the interactions between tidal-, fluvial- and topographic-forcing that result in depth dependent tidal rectification, and thus zones of residual sediment transport that: i) may be flood-directed along shallow channel margins and in the lee of bars, and simultaneously ii) is ebb-directed within deeper channel thalwegs. This condition is enhanced at lower discharges, but increased fluvial discharge reduces the number and size of regions with net flood-directed sediment transport and flow. These sediment transport patterns provide a mechanism to extend the bar/island topography downstream, and generate flood-directed, ebb-directed, and symmetrical bedforms, all within the same channel. Analysis of the model data reveals flood-directed sediment transport is due to both tidal variability and mean flow. These results highlight the need to include the mean flow component (M0) when considering the long-term morphodynamic evolution in a TIFZ.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 212, pp. 176-188en_GB
dc.rights© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open Access funded by Natural Environment Research Council. Under a Creative Commons license:
dc.titleHydrodynamic modeling of tidal-fluvial flows in a large river estuaryen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Scienceen_GB

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