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dc.contributor.authorYakhot, A
dc.contributor.authorFeldman, Y
dc.contributor.authorMoxey, D
dc.contributor.authorSherwin, S
dc.contributor.authorKarniadakis, G
dc.description.abstractWe have performed direct numerical simulations of a spatio-temporally intermittent flow in a pipe for Rem = 2250. From previous experiments and simulations of pipe flow, this value has been estimated as a threshold when the average speeds of upstream and downstream fronts of a puff are identical (Barkley et al., Nature 526, 550–553, 2015; Barkley et al., 2015). We investigated the structure of an individual puff by considering three-dimensional snapshots over a long time period. To assimilate the velocity data, we applied a conditional sampling based on the location of the maximum energy of the transverse (turbulent) motion. Specifically, at each time instance, we followed a turbulent puff by a three-dimensional moving window centered at that location. We collected a snapshot-ensemble (10000 time instances, snapshots) of the velocity fields acquired over T = 2000D/U time interval inside the moving window. The cross-plane velocity field inside the puff showed the dynamics of a developing turbulence. In particular, the analysis of the cross-plane radial motion yielded the illustration of the production of turbulent kinetic energy directly from the mean flow. A snapshot-ensemble averaging over 10000 snapshots revealed azimuthally arranged large-scale (coherent) structures indicating near-wall sweep and ejection activity. The localized puff is about 15-17 pipe diameters long and the flow regime upstream of its upstream edge and downstream of its leading edge is almost laminar. In the near-wall region, despite the low Reynolds number, the turbulence statistics, in particular, the distribution of turbulence intensities, Reynolds shear stress, skewness and flatness factors, become similar to a fully-developed turbulent pipe flow in the vicinity of the puff upstream edge. In the puff core, the velocity profile becomes flat and logarithmic. It is shown that this “fully-developed turbulent flash” is very narrow being about two pipe diameters long.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationPublished online 12 January 2019en_GB
dc.publisherSpringer Verlagen_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonUnder embargo until 12 January 2020 in compliance with publisher policy
dc.rights© 2018 Springer Verlagen_GB
dc.subjectTransition to turbulenceen_GB
dc.subjectPipe flowen_GB
dc.titleTurbulence in a localized puff in a pipeen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalFlow, Turbulence and Combustionen_GB
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Reviewen_GB

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