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dc.contributor.authorHughes, P
dc.description.abstractThe thesis that follows proffers a solution to the mind-matter problem, the problem as to how mind and matter relate. The proposed solution herein is a variant of panpsychism – the theory that all (pan) has minds (psyche) – that we name pansentient monism. By defining the suffix ‘psyche’ of panpsychism, i.e. by analysing what ‘mind’ is (Chapter 1), we thereby initiate the effacement of the distinction between mind and matter, and thus advance a monism. We thereafter critically examine the prevalent view, antithetical to a pansentient monism, that mind is not identical to matter but emergent therefrom (Chapter 2). This anti-emergentist critique acts also as a fortification of the Genetic Argument for panpsychism: if mind is not emergent (nor distinct) from matter, mind must always have existed with matter. But what is ‘matter’? Chapter 3 investigates what we understand by ‘matter’, or ‘the physical’, and exposes it as a highly deficient concept and percept that in concreto points to its identity with that denoted by ‘mind’. This also acts as a fortification of the Abstraction Argument for panpsychism, employing a new taxonomy of physicalism and a new taxonomy of the varieties of abstraction. Thus do we reach a monism that is a parsimonious psycho-physical identity theory. But here we face what can be called The Identity Problem for Panpsychism: if our panpsychism is a psycho-physical identity theory, how can it respond to the powerful objections that beset the identity theory of the twentieth century? In Chapter 4 it will be argued that, like emergentism, this psycho-neural identity theory presupposed a deficient concept of ‘matter’, down to which mind was reduced away, let alone identified. But to identify down phenomena to what is actually an abstraction is to commit failure of explanation. When the theory is amended accordingly, we move from a psycho-neural identity theory to a genuine psycho-physical identity theory that as such can overcome the aforementioned identity problem. Furthermore, as Chapter 5 clarifies, our pansentient monism has, in addition to parsimony, the explanatory power to resolve the problem of mental causation that afflicts both the reductive physicalism of psycho-neural identity theory and the non-reductive physicalism of emergentism, by genuinely identifying physical and mental causation. Jaegwon Kim considers the place of consciousness in a physical world and the nature of mental causation to be the two key components of the mind-matter problem. Through the critical analysis of our prosaic understanding of mind and matter in this thesis, which incorporates the thought of both classical and contemporary thinkers through a novel fusion, it is hoped that both components are addressed and redressed. That is to say that I present this pansentient monism as a plausible, parsimonious, explanatory, and thus, I think, powerful position towards this ever-perplexing mind-matter mystery.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonThis thesis has been granted an extended embargo until the 01/12/2024 as sections are expected to be published elsewhereen_GB
dc.subjectidentity theoryen_GB
dc.subjectpsychophysical identity theoryen_GB
dc.subjectprocess philosophyen_GB
dc.subjectcombination problemen_GB
dc.subjectmental causationen_GB
dc.subjectphilosophy of minden_GB
dc.subjectneutral monismen_GB
dc.subjecthard problem of consciousnessen_GB
dc.subjectJaegwon Kimen_GB
dc.subjectGalen Strawsonen_GB
dc.subjectThomas Nagelen_GB
dc.subjectBertrand Russellen_GB
dc.subjectWilliam Jamesen_GB
dc.subjecttwofold spaceen_GB
dc.subjectn-dimensional metaphysicsen_GB
dc.subjectJohn Smythiesen_GB
dc.subjectn-dimensional spaceen_GB
dc.titlePansentient Monism: Formulating Panpsychism as a Genuine Psycho-Physical Identity Theoryen_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorRoberts, Ten_GB
dc.contributor.advisorHauskeller, Men_GB
dc.contributor.advisorDupre, Jen_GB
dc.publisher.departmentSociology, Philosophy, and Anthropologyen_GB
dc.type.degreetitlePhD in Philosophyen_GB
dc.type.qualificationnameDoctoral Thesisen_GB

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