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dc.contributor.authorBachu, M
dc.description.abstractObjective: Theoretical and empirical evidence in the field of self-regulation and goal adjustment posits that being able to disengage from goals that are no longer attainable and reengage with new ones is related to improved wellbeing. Transition to university involves being able to successfully disengage from previous goals that have become unattainable and identify and engage in meaningful new goals, however research in this area is sparse. The current study therefore predicted that greater difficulties with goal disengagement in students would be associated with increased depressive symptoms, rumination and homesickness at the beginning of term. Difficulties with goal adjustment was further predicted to be associated with increased depressive symptoms at the end of term and this would partly be mediated by increased homesickness from the beginning to middle of term. Methods: New undergraduates completed self-report assessments on goal adjustment capacities, depressive symptoms, rumination and homesickness at baseline (N = 221) and a four-month follow up (N = 198). Data was analysed using hierarchical multiple regression and mediation analysis. Results: Goal disengagement was not significant in predicting depressive symptoms, rumination or homesickness at baseline in students. Goal reengagement was also not significant in predicting rumination or homesickness at baseline; however, it was significant in predicting depressive symptoms at baseline. Only goal reengagement was found to significantly predict fewer reported symptoms of depression at time 3. Further analysis revealed that residualised change in homesickness from baseline to time 2 did not mediate goal adjustment and depressive symptoms at the end of term. Conclusion: Despite the lack of support for goal disengagement, findings indicate that identifying and engaging in meaningful and attainable goals may be beneficial for depressive symptoms among university students during the first term.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.subjectGoal adjustment, goal disengagement, goal reengagement, self-regulation, depression, rumination, homesicknessen_GB
dc.titleGoal Flexibility as a Predictor of Depression, Rumination and Homesickness in Studentsen_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorMoberly, Nen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorPechtel, Pen_GB
dc.publisher.departmentLife and Environmental Scienceen_GB
dc.type.degreetitleDoctorate in Clinical Psychologyen_GB
dc.type.qualificationnameDoctoral Thesisen_GB

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