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dc.contributor.authorLowe, EC
dc.contributor.authorBydder, S
dc.contributor.authorHartshorne, RS
dc.contributor.authorTape, HL
dc.contributor.authorDridge, Elizabeth J.
dc.contributor.authorDebieux, Charles M.
dc.contributor.authorPaszkiewicz, K
dc.contributor.authorSingleton, I
dc.contributor.authorLewis, RJ
dc.contributor.authorSantini, JM
dc.contributor.authorRichardson, DJ
dc.contributor.authorButler, Clive S
dc.description.abstractSelenate reductase (SER) from Thauera selenatis is a periplasmic enzyme that has been classified as a type II molybdoenzyme. The enzyme comprises three subunits SerABC, where SerC is an unusual b-heme cytochrome. In the present work the spectropotentiometric characterization of the SerC component and the identification of redox partners to SER are reported. The mid-point redox potential of the b-heme was determined by optical titration (E(m) + 234 +/- 10 mV). A profile of periplasmic c-type cytochromes expressed in T. selenatis under selenate respiring conditions was undertaken. Two c-type cytochromes were purified ( approximately 24 and approximately 6 kDa), and the 24-kDa protein (cytc-Ts4) was shown to donate electrons to SerABC in vitro. Protein sequence of cytc-Ts4 was obtained by N-terminal sequencing and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis, and based upon sequence similarities, was assigned as a member of cytochrome c(4) family. Redox potentiometry, combined with UV-visible spectroscopy, showed that cytc-Ts4 is a diheme cytochrome with a redox potential of +282 +/- 10 mV, and both hemes are predicted to have His-Met ligation. To identify the membrane-bound electron donors to cytc-Ts4, growth of T. selenatis in the presence of respiratory inhibitors was monitored. The specific quinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (QCR) inhibitors myxothiazol and antimycin A partially inhibited selenate respiration, demonstrating that some electron flux is via the QCR. Electron transfer via a QCR and a diheme cytochrome c(4) is a novel route for a member of the DMSO reductase family of molybdoenzymes.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 285, Issue 24, pp. 18433 - 18442en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Society for Biochemistryen_GB
dc.subjectAntimycin Aen_GB
dc.subjectCytochrome c Groupen_GB
dc.subjectElectron Transporten_GB
dc.subjectElectron Transport Complex IVen_GB
dc.subjectModels, Biologicalen_GB
dc.subjectModels, Chemicalen_GB
dc.subjectModels, Molecularen_GB
dc.subjectSpectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionizationen_GB
dc.titleQuinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase and cytochrome c4 mediate electron transfer during selenate respiration in Thauera selenatisen_GB
dc.identifier.issn0021-9258 States
dc.descriptionThis research was originally published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. E Lowe et al. Quinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase and cytochrome c4 mediate electron transfer during selenate respiration in Thauera selenatis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2010. Vol:pp 18433-42. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biologyen_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Biological Chemistryen_GB

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