Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    27 April 2015Can behavioral biases explain the rejections of the expectation hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates?  Harris, Richard D. F.; Bulkley, George; Nawosah, Vivekanand
    1 March 2007Can Behavioural Finance Explain the Term Structure Puzzles?  Bulkley, George; Harris, Richard D. F.; Nawosah, Vivekanand
    1 July 2007Can the Cross-Sectional Variation in Expected Stock Returns Explain Momentum?  Bulkley, George; Nawosah, Vivekanand
    31 December 2011Revisiting the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates  Bulkley, George; Harris, Richard D. F.; Nawosah, Vivekanand