Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 March 2019Construction at work: Multiple identities scaffold professional identity development in academia  Bentley, SV; Peters, K; Haslam, SA; et al.
    9 February 2012Experts’ judgments of management journal quality: an identity concerns model  Peters, K; Daniels, K; Hodgkinson, G; et al.
    16 October 2018Identity economics meets identity leadership: Exploring the consequences of elevated CEO pay  Steffens, NK; Haslam, SA; Peters, K; et al.
    1 May 2019Inspired and appreciated by the group: The social identity approach to creativity  Haslam, SA; Adarves-Yorno, I; Steffens, NK; et al.
    20 June 2019One of us … and us … and us: Evidence that leaders’ multiple identity prototypicality (LMIP) is related to their perceived effectiveness  Steffens, NK; Peters, K; Haslam, SA; et al.
    17 December 2018Resolving not to quit: Evidence that salient group memberships increase resilience in a sensorimotor task  Green, J; Rees, T; Peters, K; et al.