Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 March 2021Application of multi-objective Bayesian shape optimisation to a sharp-heeled Kaplan draft tube  Daniels, SJ; Rahat, AAM; Tabor, GR; et al.
    1 July 2017Automatic shape optimisation of the turbine-99 draft tube  Daniels, SJ; Rahat, A; tabor, G; et al.
    1 July 2018Redesign of Industrial Apparatus using Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimisation  Daniels, SJ; Rahat, AAM; Tabor, GR; et al.
    29 June 2020Shape optimisation of the sharp-heeled Kaplan draft tube: Performance evaluation using Computational Fluid Dynamics  Daniels, SJ; Rahat, AAM; Tabor, GR; et al.
    1 June 2016Shape optimisation using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Evolutionary Algorithms  Daniels, SJ; Rahat, A; Tabor, G; et al.