Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2017Control and Instrumentation Topologies for an Integrated Wave Energy Array  Kenny, CJ; Findlay, D; Lazakis, I; et al.
    3 August 2022Dealing With Uncertainty While Developing Bid Strategy For CFD Auctions  Kell, NP; Santibanez-Borda, E; Morstyn, T; et al.
    1 September 2016Development of a Condition Monitoring System for an Articulated Wave Energy Converter  Kenny, CJ; Findlay, D; Lazakis, I; et al.
    5 December 2017Environmental interactions of tidal lagoons: a comparison of industry perspectives  Mackinnon, K; Smith, HCM; Moore, F; et al.
    27 August 2017Lessons Learned from 3 Years of Failure: Validating an FMEA with Historical Failure Data  Kenny, CJ; Findlay, D; Thies, PR; et al.
    16 February 2023Methodology to prepare for UK’s offshore wind Contract for Difference auctions  Kell, NP; Santibanez-Borda, E; Mortsyn, T; et al.
    2024A review of offshore wind seabed allocation in the UK: 2000 - 2024  Godfrey-Brown, T; Lazakis, I; Pillai, AC; et al.
    5 November 2018A systematic review of transferable solution options for the environmental impacts of tidal lagoons  Elliott, K; Smith, HCM; Moore, F; et al.