Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 April 2016Adaptation of f-wave finite volume methods to the two-layer shallow-water equations in a moving vessel with a rigid-lid  Alemi Ardakani, H; Bridges, TJ; Turner, MR
    27 February 2020An alternative view on the Bateman-Luke variational principle  Alemi Ardakani, H
    18 August 2017A coupled variational principle for 2D interactions between water waves and a rigid body containing fluid  Alemi Ardakani, H
    23 January 2017Lagrangian particle path formulation of multilayer shallow-water flows dynamically coupled to vessel motion  Turner, MR; Bridges, TJ; Alemi Ardakani, H
    15 December 2022A new physically realisable internal 1:1 resonance in the coupled pendulum-slosh system  Alemi Ardakani, H; Bridges, TJ; Turner, MR
    21 March 2016Shallow-water sloshing in a moving vessel with variable cross-section and wetting-drying using an extension of George's well-balanced finite volume solver  Alemi Ardakani, H; Bridges, TJ; Turner, MR
    27 May 2016A symplectic integrator for dynamic coupling between nonlinear vessel motion with variable cross-section and bottom topography and interior shallow-water sloshing  Alemi Ardakani, H
    16 April 2021Variational generalization of the Green–Naghdi and Whitham equations for fluid sloshing in three-dimensional rotating and translating coordinates  Alemi Ardakani, H
    18 March 2019A variational principle for fluid sloshing with vorticity, dynamically coupled to vessel motion  Alemi Ardakani, H; Bridges, TJ; Gay-Balmaz, F; et al.