Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 August 2021Accounting for skew when post-processing MOGREPS-UK temperature forecast fields  Allen, S; Evans, GR; Buchanan, P; et al.
    24 April 2023A conditional decomposition of proper scores: quantifying the sources of information in a forecast  Allen, S; Ferro, CAT; Kwasniok, F
    1 February 2021Incorporating the North Atlantic Oscillation into the post‐processing of MOGREPS‐G wind speed forecasts  Allen, S; Evans, GR; Buchanan, P; et al.
    22 April 2020Recalibrating wind‐speed forecasts using regime‐dependent ensemble model output statistics  Allen, S; Ferro, C; Kwasniok, F
    14 August 2019Regime‐dependent statistical post‐processing of ensemble forecasts  Allen, S; Ferro, CAT; Kwasniok, F