Now showing items 1-20 of 35

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    11 July 2020An Advanced Hidden Markov Model for Hourly Rainfall Time Series  Stoner, O; Economou, T
    21 November 2012Assessing risk profiles for Salmonella serotypes in breeding pig operations in Portugal using a Bayesian hierarchical model  Correia-Gomes, C; Economou, T; Mendonça, D; et al.
    26 April 2021Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries  White, MP; Elliott, LR; Grellier, J; et al.
    24 March 2021Bayesian deep learning for large scale environmental data modelling  Kirkwood, C; Economou, T; Odbert, H; et al.
    17 January 2022Bayesian deep learning for spatial interpolation in the presence of auxiliary information  Kirkwood, C; Economou, T; Pugeault, N; et al.
    1 July 2018Correcting Under-Reporting in Historical Volcano Data  Stoner, O; Economou, T
    24 September 2020Data fusion with Gaussian processes for estimation of environmental hazard events  Xiong, X; Youngman, BD; Economou, T
    24 August 2016Decision Analysis for Management of Natural Hazards  Simpson, M; James, R; Hall, JW; et al.
    17 October 2019Desirable BUGS in models of infectious diseases  Auzenbergs, M; Correia-Gomes, C; Economou, T; et al.
    20 April 2021Effect of climate change, connectivity, and socioeconomic factors on the expansion of the dengue virus transmission zone in 21st century Brazil: an ecological modelling study  Lee, SA; Economou, T; Barcellos, C; et al.
    22 May 2019Exploring constraints on the realised value of a forecast-based climate service  Pope, ECD; Buontempo, C; Economou, T
    14 June 2018Exposure to an anti-androgenic herbicide negatively impacts reproductive physiology and fertility in Xenopus tropicalis  Orton, F; Säfholm, M; Jansson, E; et al.
    29 April 2021Extreme wind return periods from tropical cyclones in Bangladesh: insights from a high-resolution convection-permitting numerical model  Steptoe, H; Economou, T
    15 February 2021A framework for probabilistic weather forecast post-processing across models and lead times using machine learning  Kirkwood, C; Economou, T; Odbert, H; et al.
    3 May 2017Generalised additive point process models for natural hazard occurrence  Youngman, BD; Economou, T
    7 July 2020Global household energy model: a multivariate hierarchical approach to estimating trends in the use of polluting and clean fuels for cooking  Stoner, O; Shaddick, G; Economou, T; et al.
    26 August 2019A hidden semi-Markov model for characterising regime shifts in ocean density variability  Economou, T; Menary, M
    30 April 2019A hierarchical framework for correcting under- reporting in count data  Stoner, O; Economou, T; Drummond, G
    30 April 2019A hierarchical framework for correcting under-reporting in count data  Stoner, O; Economou, T; Drummond Marques da Silva, G
    5 April 2024A hierarchical spline model for correcting and hindcasting temperature data  Economou, T; Johnson, C; Dyson, E