Now showing items 21-40 of 147

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    18 August 2015Century-scale simulations of the response of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to a warming climate  Cornford, Stephen Leslie; Martin, DF; Payne, AJ; et al.
    1 January 2011Chain gang conservation: young people and environmental volunteering  Leyshon, M; Fish, R
    1 December 2004Challenging the 'view from nowhere': citizen reflections on specialist expertise in a deliberative process.  Davies, Gail; Burgess, J
    4 September 2017Challenging the eco-city: residents’ perceptions of social sustainability in Tianjin Eco-City, China  Caprotti, F; Gong, Z
    1 January 2016Challenging the win-win discourse on conservation and development: Analyzing support for marine protected areas  Chaigneau, T; Brown, K
    21 December 2018Changes in Climate and Land Use Over the Amazon Region: Current and Future Variability and Trends  Marengo, JA; Souza, CM; Thonicke, K; et al.
    2 April 2018Changes in climate extremes, fresh water availability and vulnerability to food insecurity projected at 1.5°C and 2°C global warming with a higher-resolution global climate model  Betts, RA; Alfieri, L; Bradshaw, C; et al.
    15 February 2010Changes in hydrology and erosion over a transition from grassland to shrubland  Turnbull, Laura; Wainwright, John; Brazier, Richard E.
    7 October 2016Changes to Cretaceous surface fire behaviour influenced the spread of the early angiosperms  Belcher, CM; Hudspith, VA
    15 October 2014Changing dynamics of Caribbean reef carbonate budgets: emergence of reef bioeroders as critical controls on present and future reef growth potential  Perry, Chris T.; Steneck, Robert S.; Murphy, Gary N.; et al.
    1 June 2017Changing ethnographic mediums: the place-based contingency of smartphones and scratchnotes  Gorman, R
    23 November 2018Changing geo-ecological functions of coral reefs in the Anthropocene  Perry, CT; Alvarez-Filip, L
    13 June 2013Changing places: migration and adaptation to climate change  Adams, H; Adger, WN
    25 June 2018Changing storminess and global capture fisheries  Sainsbury, NC; Genner, MJ; Saville, GR; et al.
    17 December 2014Changing tectonic controls on the long-term carbon cycle from Mesozoic to present  Mills, Benjamin; Daines, Stuart; Lenton, Timothy M.
    20 July 2004Changing UK river temperatures and their impact on fish populations  Webb, B.W.; Walsh, A.J.
    26 April 2017Charcoal chronology of the Amazon forest: A record of biodiversity preserved by ancient fires  Goulart, AC; Macario, KD; Scheel-Ybert, R; et al.
    12 May 2017Charcoal evidence that rising atmospheric oxygen terminated Early Jurassic ocean anoxia  Baker, SJ; Hesselbo, SP; Lenton, TM; et al.
    18 August 2014Charcoal morphometry for paleoecological analysis: The effects of fuel type and transportation on morphological parameters  Crawford, AJ; Belcher, CM
    8 April 2015Charcoal reflectance reveals early Holocene boreal deciduous forests burned at high intensities  Hudspith, Victoria A.; Belcher, Claire M.; Kelly, Ryan; et al.