Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    4 August 2021Waiting as probation: selecting self-disciplining asylum seekers  Vianelli, L; Gill, N; Hoellerer, N
    1 January 2014Was there a '4.2ka event' in Great Britain and Ireland? Evidence from the peatland record  Roland, TP; Caseldine, CJ; Charman, DJ; et al.
    2015Water resource management at catchment scales using lightweight UAVs: current capabilities and future perspectives  DeBell, L; Anderson, K; Brazier, Richard E.; et al.
    27 September 2021Wave exposure shapes reef community composition and recovery trajectories at a remote coral atoll (article)  Lange, ID; Benkwitt, CE; McDevitt-Irwin, JM; et al.
    20 September 2021Wave exposure shapes reef community composition and recovery trajectories at a remote coral atoll (dataset)  Lange, I; Benkwitt, CE; McDevitt-Irwin, JM; et al.
    16 May 2015Waveform lidar over vegetation: An evaluation of inversion methods for estimating return energy  Hancock, S; Armston, J; Li, Z; et al.
    2 December 2013Weathering pathways and limitations in biogeochemical models: Application to Earth system evolution  Mills, BJW
    26 November 2016Wellbeing in the aftermath of floods.  Walker-Springett, K; Butler, C; Adger, WN
    3 June 2015WETCHIMP-WSL: Intercomparison of wetland methane emissions models over West Siberia  Bohn, TJ; Melton, JR; Ito, A; et al.
    30 January 2015WETCHIMP-WSL: intercomparison of wetland methane emissions models over West Siberia (discussion paper)  Bohn, TJ; Melton, JR; Ito, A; et al.
    2014WG III and policy for climate change  Mitchell, Catherine
    25 October 2018What can charcoal reflectance tell us about energy release in wildfires and the properties of pyrogenic carbon?  Belcher, CM; New, SL; Santín, C; et al.
    3 August 2018What controls local-scale aboveground biomass variation in central Africa? Testing structural, composition and architectural attributes  Loubota Panzou, GJ; Fayolle, A; Feldpausch, TR; et al.
    26 June 2014What Do Cities Have to Do with Democracy?  Barnett, Clive
    31 May 2018What do cities have to do with democracy?  Barnett, C
    11 August 2023What do scientists mean when they talk about research animals “volunteering”?  Palmer, A; Greenhough, B; Hobson-West, P; et al.
    1 August 2014What does airborne LiDAR really measure in upland ecosystems?  Luscombe, David J.; Anderson, K; Gatis, Naomi; et al.
    1 December 2012What is a humanized mouse? Remaking the species and spaces of translational medicine  Davies, Gail
    29 July 2021What is ‘local’ about Smart Local Energy Systems? Emerging stakeholder geographies of decentralised energy in the United Kingdom  Walker, C; Devine-Wright, P; Rohse, M; et al.
    1 January 2005What scope for improving farm business performance?  Turner, Martin; Robbins, Keith