Now showing items 147-166 of 1818

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 March 2022Book review: Littlejohn, Krystale E. (2021) Just get on the pill: The uneven burden of reproductive politics. University of California Press: Oakland, CA.  Freeman, C
    21 April 2022Book review: McPherson, Alan (2019) Ghosts of Sheridan Circle: How a Washington Assassination Brought Pinochet’s Terror State to Justice. The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill)  Freeman, C
    26 June 2016Book Review: Religion in the Primary School: Ethos, Diversity, Citizenship by Peter J. Hemming  Finn, MD
    23 January 2018Book Review: Rethinking Children’s Spaces and Places, New Childhoods Series  Finn, M
    13 February 2019Book review: The new biological economy: How New Zealanders are creating value from the land  Cloke, P
    8 November 2019Book Review: Wild Pedagogies edited by Bob Jickling, Sean Blenkinsop, Nora Timmerman, and Michael De Danann Sitka-Sage, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, xx 140 pp., ISBN: 978-3-319-90175-6  Winks, L
    13 August 2019Border abolition and how to achieve it  Gill, N
    31 May 2018Border enforcement & the university: a conversation  Bagelman, J; Cinnamon, J
    28 December 2020Borders  Freeman, C
    6 October 2010Boreal permafrost thaw amplified by fire disturbance and precipitation increases  Williams, M; Zhang, Y; Estop-Aragonés, C; et al.
    1 October 2005'Born out of crisis': an analysis of moorland management agreements on Exmoor  Lobley, Matt; Turner, Martin; MacQueen, Greg; et al.
    3 January 2014Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: Implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet  Siegert, M.J.; Ross, N; Corr, H.F.J.; et al.
    1 April 2015Boundary object or bridging concept? A citation network analysis of resilience.  Baggio, J; Brown, K; Hellebrandt, D
    9 April 2020BPOP-v1 model: exploring the impact of changes in the biological pump on the shelf sea and ocean nutrient and redox state  Lovecchio, E; Lenton, TM
    12 October 2017The BRIDGE HadCM3 family of climate models: HadCM3@Bristol v1.0  Valdes, PJ; Armstrong, E; Badger, MPS; et al.
    2010Broad Down, Devon: archaeological and other stories  Harvey, David
    29 January 2018Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities  Cinner, JE; Adger, WN; Allison, EH; et al.
    9 June 2017Building Digital Identities: The Challenges, Risks and Opportunities of Collecting Behavioural Attributes for new Digital Identity Systems.  Beduschi, A; Cinnamon, J; Langford, J; et al.
    1 April 2020Building resilience in practice to support coral communities in the Western Indian Ocean  Hattam, C; Evans, L; Morrissey, K; et al.
    2014The business of child detention: charitable co-option, migrant advocacy and activist outrage  Tyler, Imogen; Gill, N; Conlon, Deirdre; et al.