Now showing items 36-55 of 1818

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    8 July 2022‘All this way, all this money, for a five-minute procedure’: Barriers, mobilities, and representation on the US abortion road trip  Engle, O; Freeman, C
    26 February 2020Allometric Relationships for Predicting Aboveground Biomass and Sapwood Area of Oneseed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma) Trees  Cunliffe, AM; McIntire, CD; Boschetti, F; et al.
    12 May 2020Alluvial architecture of mid-channel fluvial–tidal barforms: The mesotidal Lower Columbia River, Oregon/Washington, USA  Prokocki, EW; Best, JL; Ashworth, PJ; et al.
    12 December 2016An alternative approach to transfer functions? Testing the performance of a functional trait-based model for testate amoebae  van Bellen, S; Mauquoy, D; Payne, RJ; et al.
    25 August 2018Alternative mechanisms for Gaia  Nicholson, AE; Wilkinson, DM; Williams, HTP; et al.
    16 December 2020Alternative perspectives of the angling community on Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) reintroduction in the River Otter Beaver Trial  Auster, RE; Barr, S; Brazier, R
    15 November 2017Amazon Basin forest pyrogenic carbon stocks: First estimate of deep storage  Koele, N; Bird, M; Haig, J; et al.
    5 August 2019Amazon forest response to CO2 fertilization dependent on plant phosphorus acquisition  Fleischer, K; Rammig, A; De Kauwe, MG; et al.
    1 July 2016Amazon forest response to repeated droughts  Feldpausch, TR; Phillips, OL; Brienen, RJW; et al.
    1 April 2021Amazon tree dominance across forest strata  Draper, FC; Costa, FRC; Arellano, G; et al.
    2 September 2021Amazonian forest degradation must be incorporated into the COP26 agenda  Silva Junior, CHL; Carvalho, NS; Pessôa, ACM; et al.
    14 February 2020Amazonian trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long‐term drought  Bittencourt, PRL; Oliveira, RS; da Costa, ACL; et al.
    27 November 2018The AMR problem: demanding economies, biological margins, and co-producing alternative strategies  Hinchliffe, SJ; Butcher, A; Rahman, MM
    19 September 2017Anaerobic digestion: A prime solution for water, energy and food nexus challenges  Haltas, I; Suckling, J; Soutar, I; et al.
    1 February 2021Analysing and simulating spatial patterns of crop yield in Guizhou Province based on artificial neural networks  Liang, B; Liu, H; Quine, TA; et al.
    11 May 2016Analysis of ontogenetic growth trends in two marine Antarctic bivalves Yoldia eightsi and Laternula elliptica: Implications for sclerochronology  Román-González, A; Scourse, JD; Butler, PG; et al.
    1 January 2018Analyzing community resilience as an emergent property of dynamic social-ecological systems  Faulkner, L; Brown, K; Quinn, T
    12 May 2017Ancient DNA analysis identifies marine mollusc shells as new metagenomic archives of the past.  Der Sarkissian, C; Pichereau, V; Dupont, C; et al.
    16 February 2015Ancient pre-glacial erosion surfaces preserved beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet  Rose, K.C.; Ross, N; Jordan, T.A.; et al.
    20 October 2018Ancient speciation of the papilionoid legume Luetzelburgia jacana, a newly discovered species in an inter-Andean seasonally dry valley of Colombia  da Cruz, DT; Idarraga, A; Banda, K; et al.