Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 2012Beyond the caveman: Rethinking masculinity in relation to men’s help-seeking  Farrimond, Hannah
    23 January 2016E-cigarette regulation and policy: UK vapers’ perspectives  Farrimond, Hannah
    11 February 2016Families dealing with the uncertainty of genetic disorders: the case of Neurofibromatosis Type 1  Carrieri, Daniele; Farrimond, Hannah; Kelly, Susan E.; et al.
    1 March 2010Making sense of being at 'high risk' of coronary heart disease within primary prevention  Farrimond, Hannah; Saukko, Paula M.; Qureshi, Nadeem; et al.
    1 August 2013Public viewpoints on new non-invasive prenatal genetic tests.  Farrimond, Hannah; Kelly, Susan E.
    12 October 2009Realising the potential of the family history in risk assessment and primary prevention of coronary heart disease in primary care: ADDFAM study protocol.  Qureshi, Nadeem; Armstrong, S; Saukko, Paula M.; et al.