Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 December 2016Administrative social science data: The challenge of reproducible research  Playford, CJ; Gayle, V; Connelly, R; et al.
    2016Between the NEET and the tidy - Exploring ‘middle’ outcomes in Scottish school qualifications  Gayle, V; Playford, CJ; Connelly, R; et al.
    2014The concealed middle? An exploration of ordinary young people and school GCSE subject area attainment  Gayle, V; Playford, CJ
    20 July 2015The concealed middle? An exploration of ordinary young people and school GCSE subject area attainment  Playford, CJ; Gayle, V
    16 May 2016Parental socioeconomic influences on filial educational outcomes in Scotland: patterns of school-level educational performance using administrative data  Playford, CJ; Gayle, V; Connelly, R; et al.
    14 April 2016The role of administrative data in the big data revolution in social science research  Connelly, R; Playford, CJ; Gayle, V; et al.
    2008Scottish social survey data, past, present and future – does Scotland need its own data strategy?  Gayle, V; Playford, CJ; Lambert, PS
    2 September 2020Social class inequalities in educational attainment: measuring social class using capitals, assets and resources  Connelly, R; Gayle, V; Playford, C
    30 September 2020Social class inequalities in Scottish school qualifications  Gayle, V; Playford, CJ; Connelly, R
    23 September 2020Transparent and Reproducible Data Analysis  Connelly, R; Gayle, V; Playford, C
    10 July 2019Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 11: Results from Methodological Experiments  Burton, J; Connelly, R; Couper, MP; et al.