Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 October 2021Affective assemblages and local economies  Willett, J
    1 June 2015Analisi empirica e principio di precauzione: Un incontro possibile  Radaelli, Claudio M.
    29 December 2017Animals and the shaping of modern medicine: One health and its histories  Woods, A; Bresalier, M; Cassidy, A; et al.
    8 November 2018Blunder: Britain's War in Iraq  Porter, PHM
    2 January 2014Critical Theory and Libertarian Socialism Realizing the Political Potential of Critical Social Theory  Masquelier, C
    9 January 2017Critique and Resistance in a Neoliberal Age Towards a Narrative of Emancipation  Masquelier, C
    27 October 2021Data and Society: A Critical Introduction  Beaulieu, A; Leonelli, S
    29 June 2020Data journeys in the sciences  Leonelli, S; Tempini, N
    31 October 2023Democratic Partisanship. Party Activism in an Age of Democratic Crises  Herman, LE
    27 January 2015The Global Village Myth: Distance, War, and the Limits of Power  Porter, P
    8 June 2016Heredity Explored Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850-1930  Müller-Wille, S; Brandt, C
    2015Intrasformazione  Castiglione, Dario; Violante, P.
    9 April 2019La recherche scientifique à l'ère des Big Data: Cinq façons dont les Big Data nuisent à la science et comment la sauver  Leonelli, S
    31 October 2018La ricerca scientifica nell'era dei big data. Cinque modi in cui i Big Data danneggiano la scienza, e come salvarla  Leonelli, S
    1 August 2019Scientific Knowledge and the Deep Past: History Matters  Currie, AM
    27 October 2022Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development  Williamson, HF; Leonelli, S
    9 October 2019Vermin, victims and disease: British debates over bovine tuberculosis and badgers  Cassidy, A