Now showing items 1-20 of 256

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 November 2008Aboriginal sovereignty and the democratic paradox  Schaap, Andrew
    1 March 2009The absurd proposition of Aboriginal sovereignty  Schaap, Andrew
    25 July 2018Acoustemology  Rice, T
    1 December 2015The Affective "We": Self-regulation and Shared Emotions  Krueger, J
    20 October 2016Affective incorporation  Colombetti, Giovanna
    1 January 2019Age-Period-Cohort Models for Electoral Survey Data: An Application to British General Elections, 1964–2010  Katz Wisel, G
    26 November 2021Agency and atmospheres of inclusion and exclusion  Krueger, J
    21 May 2020Anarchism and Global Ethics  Prichard, A
    11 October 2017Anarchism and Nineteenth Century European Philosophy  Abufom Silva, P; Prichard, A
    8 June 2011Arendt's Constitutional Question  Schaap, Andrew; Christodoulidis, Emilios
    25 April 2023Artificial intelligence in plant and agricultural research  Leonelli, S; Wiliamson, HF
    1 February 2018Assembling Biomedical Big Data  Leonelli, S
    2 September 2015At Home in and Beyond Our Skin: Posthuman Embodiment in Film and Television  Krueger, JW
    31 December 2021Autocratization as an ideological project: Carl Schmitt's anti-liberalism in South Asia  Lewis, D
    1 October 2017Automatic Sweethearts for Transhumanists  Hauskeller, M
    30 June 2020The babel of drugs: On the consequences of evidential pluralism in pharmaceutical regulation and regulatory data journeys  Tempini, N; Teira, D
    1 March 2017Badger-human conflict: an overlooked historical context for bovine TB debates in the UK  Cassidy, A
    1 December 2014Bajo el peso de la ley: una explicación del éxito de la extrema derecha durante la crisis griega  Dinas, E; Rori, L
    17 November 2015Begriff und Wahrnehmung von Atmosphären  Hauskeller, Michael
    9 August 2022Better Regulation in the European Union  Dunlop, CA; Radaelli, CM