Now showing items 6-10 of 220

    • Archiving resistance: A conversation with Dr Omar Sheikhmous 

      Ghaderi, F; Omar, S (Brill, 13 June 2024)
      In this conversation, Omar Sheikhmous (author, researcher, activist, and broadcaster), talks with Farangis Ghaderi (author and academic at the University of Exeter), about his life, involvement with and contributions to ...
    • Iran’s water policy: Environmental injustice and peripheral marginalisation 

      Hassaniyan, A (SAGE Publications, 26 April 2024)
      Water exhibits various politico-economic dynamic. Water scarcity can lead to conflicts, and it lies at the core of Iran’s environmental crises. The literature on Iran’s water crisis indicates the effects of this issue in ...
    • Jin, Jiyan, Azadî and the Historical Erasure of Kurds 

      Ghaderi, F (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 11 January 2024)
      Following the murder of Jîna (Mahsa) Amini on September 16, 2022, her parents decided—despite the threats and intimidation by security forces—to hold a public funeral. Protests were ongoing outside Kasra Hospital in Tehran ...
    • The Sorcerer Scholar: Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī between Grammar and Grimoire 

      Selove, E; Sanad, M (Gerlach Press, 15 June 2023)
      Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī is the author of two books—one famous, and one now virtually unknown. If we read his famous work on language, the Miftāḥ al-‘ulūm, in dialogue with his neglected work on magic, the Kitāb al-Shāmil, ...
    • When do elections help autocrats? The plight of Palestinians under SNTV in Jordan 

      Gao, E; Templeman, K (Elsevier, 13 October 2023)
      Autocrats are often accused of manipulating electoral rules to favour pro-regime groups at the expense of the opposition. They select electoral systems, gerrymander districts, and engage in electoral fraud to ensure ...