Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    7 April 2014Accuracy tests of radiation schemes used in hot Jupiter global circulation models  Amundsen, David S.; Baraffe, I.; Tremblin, Pascal; et al.
    28 January 2016Cloudless atmospheres for L/T dwarfs and extra-solar giant planets  Tremblin, Pascal; Amundsen, David S.; Chabrier, G.; et al.
    22 April 2016Detection of H2O and evidence for TiO/VO in an ultra hot exoplanet atmosphere  Evans, TE; Sing, David K.; Wakeford, H.R.; et al.
    27 April 2015Fingering convection and cloudless models for cool brown dwarf atmospheres  Tremblin, Pascal; Amundsen, David S.; Mourier, P.; et al.