Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    23 October 2021The formation of massive stellar clusters in converging galactic flows with photoionisation  Dobbs, CL; Bending, TJR; Pettitt, AR; et al.
    3 November 2023Observational bias and young massive cluster characterization − II. Can Gaia accurately observe young clusters and associations?  Buckner, ASM; Naylor, T; Dobbs, CL; et al.
    11 May 2020Photoionizing feedback in spiral arm molecular clouds  Bending, TJR; Dobbs, CL; Bate, MR
    29 June 2023Star cluster formation and feedback in different environments of a Milky Way-like galaxy  Ali, AA; Dobbs, CL; Bending, TJR; et al.
    12 January 2022Stellar winds and photoionization in a spiral arm  Ali, AA; Bending, TJR; Dobbs, CL
    8 April 2022Supernovae and photoionizing feedback in spiral arm molecular clouds  Bending, TJR; Dobbs, CL; Bate, MR