Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 May 2018Design and fabrication of plasmonic cavities for magneto-optical sensing (article)  Loughran, THJ; Roth, J; Keatley, PS; et al.
    25 April 2018Design and fabrication of plasmonic cavities for magneto-optical sensing (dataset)  Loughran, THJ; Roth, J; Keatley, PS; et al.
    26 October 2021Transition metal synthetic ferrimagnets: tuneable media for all-optical switching driven by nanoscale spin current  Da̧browski, M; Scott, JN; Hendren, WR; et al.
    27 March 2024Unidirectional multipulse helicity-independent all-optical switching in [Ni/Pt] based synthetic ferrimagnets (dataset)  Sait, CRJ; Dąbrowski, M; Scott, JN; et al.