Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    23 May 2023Awesome SOSS: atmospheric characterization of WASP-96 b using the JWST early release observations  Taylor, J; Radica, M; Welbanks, L; et al.
    14 June 2023Awesome SOSS: transmission spectroscopy of WASP-96b with NIRISS/SOSS  Radica, M; Welbanks, L; Espinoza, N; et al.
    9 January 2023Early Release Science of the exoplanetWASP-39b with JWST NIRISS  Feinstein, AD; Radica, M; Welbanks, L; et al.
    2024Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b  Bell, TJ; Crouzet, N; Cubillos, PE; et al.