Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    23 June 2022Ab initio derivation of flavin hyperfine interactions for the protein magnetosensor cryptochrome.  Deviers, J; Cailliez, F; Gutiérrez, BZ; et al.
    16 December 2021Anisotropic magnetic field effects in the re-oxidation of cryptochrome in the presence of scavenger radicals  Deviers, J; Cailliez, F; de la Lande, A; et al.
    18 December 2024Avian cryptochrome 4 binds superoxide  Deviers, J; Cailliez, F; de la Lande, A; et al.
    9 April 2022Observations about utilitarian coherence in the avian compass (article)  Smith, LD; Deviers, J; Kattnig, DR
    28 March 2022Observations about utilitarian coherence in the avian compass (dataset)  Smith, LD; Deviers, J; Kattnig, DR