Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 February 2017A common origin of magnetism from planets to white dwarfs  Isern, J; Garcia-Berro, E; Kulebi, B; et al.
    1 January 2017Magnetic Fields and the Crystallization of White Dwarfs  Isern, J; Garcia-Berro, E; Kuelebi, B; et al.
    28 April 2017One-armed spiral instability in double-degenerate post-merger accretion disks  Kashyap, R; Fisher, R; Garcia-Berro, E; et al.
    20 April 2018The spin evolution of fast-rotating, magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs in the aftermath of white dwarf mergers  Becerra, L; Rueda, JA; Lorén-Aguilar, P; et al.
    4 February 2015Spiral instability can drive thermonuclear explosions in binary white dwarf mergers  Kashyap, R; Fisher, R; Garcia-Berro, E; et al.
    3 April 2017White dwarf dynamical interactions and fast optical transients  Garcia-Berro, E; Badenes, C; Aznar-Siguan, G; et al.