Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    20 May 2020Erratum: “Controlling acoustic waves using magnetoelastic Fano resonances” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 082403 (2019)]  Latcham, OS; Gusieva, YI; Shytov, AV; et al.
    2 February 2017Formation of the band spectrum of spin waves in 1D magnonic crystals with different types of interfacial boundary conditions  Kruglyak, VV; Davies, CS; Tkachenko, VS; et al.
    10 September 2020Hybrid magnetoacoustic metamaterials for ultrasound control  Latcham, OS; Gusieva, YI; Shytov, AV; et al.
    15 September 2014Magnetization boundary conditions at a ferromagnetic interface of finite thickness.  Kruglyak, VV; Gorobets, OY; Gorobets, YI; et al.