Now showing items 1-20 of 40

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    11 September 2011An algorithm for Monte Carlo time-dependent radiation transfer  Harries, TJ
    4 April 2013Assessing molecular line diagnostics of triggered star formation using synthetic observations  Haworth, TJ; Harries, TJ; Acreman, DM; et al.
    11 March 2009Benchmark problems for continuum radiative transfer. High optical depths, anisotropic scattering, and polarisation  Pinte, C; Harries, TJ; Min, M; et al.
    26 July 2016Confronting Standard Models of Proto–Planetary Disks With New Mid–Infrared Sizes from the Keck Interferometer  Milan-Gabet, R; Che, X; Monnier, JD; et al.
    8 February 2016Directly observing continuum emission from self-gravitating spiral waves  Hall, C; Forgan, D; Rice, K; et al.
    1 June 2022Discovery of a 500 au Protobinary in the Massive Prestellar Core G11.92−0.61 MM2  Cyganowski, CJ; Ilee, JD; Brogan, CL; et al.
    21 December 2020A Dust Trap in the Young Multiple System HD 34700  Benac, P; Matra, L; Wilner, DJ; et al.
    27 June 2019Dusty disk winds at the sublimation rim of the highly inclined, low mass YSO SU Aurigae  Labdon, A; Kraus, S; Davies, CL; et al.
    8 November 2021An experimental and numerical modelling investigation of the optical properties of Intralipid using deep Raman spectroscopy  Moran, LJ; Wordingham, F; Gardner, B; et al.
    14 December 2018G11.92−0.61 MM 1: a fragmented Keplerian disk surrounding a proto-o star  Ilee, J; Cyganowski, C; Brogan, C; et al.
    5 October 2017High cadence, high resolution spectroscopic observations of Herbig stars HD 98922 and V1295 Aquila  Aarnio, AN; Monnier, JD; Harries, TJ; et al.
    20 May 2022Hydrogen emission from accretion and outflow in T Tauri stars  Wilson, TJG; Matt, S; Harries, TJ; et al.
    8 November 2018Imaging the disc rim and a moving close-in companion candidate in the pre-transitional disc of V1247 Orionis  Willson, M; Kraus, S; Kluska, J; et al.
    27 September 2023Imaging the warped dusty disk wind environment of SU Aurigae with MIRC-X  Labdon, A; Kraus, S; Davies, CL; et al.
    30 June 2020The inner disk of RY Tau: evidence of stellar occultation by the disk atmosphere at the sublimation rim from K-band continuum interferometry  Davies, CL; Kraus, S; Harries, TJ; et al.
    4 June 2021Investigating the Relative Gas and Small Dust Grain Surface Heights in Protoplanetary Disks  Rich, EA; Teague, R; Monnier, JD; et al.
    28 February 2018Is the spiral morphology of the Elias 2-27 circumstellar disc due to gravitational instability?  Hall, C; Rice, K; Dipierro, G; et al.
    27 December 2017Linking signatures of accretion with magnetic field measurements – line profiles are not significantly different in magnetic and non-magnetic Herbig Ae/Be stars  Reiter, M; Calvet, N; Thanathibodee, T; et al.
    19 June 2019Massive star feedback in clusters: variation of the FUV interstellar radiation field in time and space (article)  Ali, A; Harries, TJ
    21 April 2018Modelling massive star feedback with Monte Carlo radiation hydrodynamics: photoionization and radiation pressure in a turbulent cloud (article)  Ali, A; Harries, TJ; Douglas, TA