Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 October 2013Excitons and interband terahertz transitions in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes  Portnoi, M.E.; Downing, C.A.; Hartmann, Richard R.; et al.
    26 July 2011Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes  Hartmann, Richard R.; Shelykh, I.A.; Portnoi, M.E.
    2 January 2014Quasi-exact solution to the Dirac equation for the hyperbolic-secant potential  Hartmann, Richard R.; Portnoi, M.E.
    2010Smooth electron waveguides in graphene  Hartmann, Richard R.; Robinson, N.J.; Portnoi, M.E.
    2014Terahertz science and technology of carbon nanomaterials  Hartmann, Richard R.; Kono, J.; Portnoi, M.E.
    10 June 2015Terahertz transitions in quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes  Hartmann, Richard R.; Portnoi, M.E.
    30 November 2015Two-phonon scattering in graphene in the quantum Hall regime  Alexeev, Arseny; Hartmann, Richard R.; Portnoi, M.E.