Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    11 October 2022ARMADA II: Further Detections of Inner Companions to Intermediate Mass Binaries with Micro-Arcsecond Astrometry at CHARA and VLTI  Gardner, T; Monnier, JD; Fekel, FC; et al.
    22 December 2020ARMADA. I. Triple Companions Detected in B-type Binaries α Del and ν Gem  Gardner, T; Monnier, JD; Fekel, FC; et al.
    13 December 2020MIRC-X polarinterferometry at CHARA  Setterholm, BR; Monnier, JD; Le Bouquin, JB; et al.
    10 September 2020MIRC-X: a highly-sensitive six telescope interferometric imager at the CHARA Array  Anugu, N; Le Bouquin, J-B; Monnier, JD; et al.
    26 August 2022A thesis to probe unique exoplanet regimes with micro-arcsecond astrometry and precision closure phases at CHARA and VLTI  Gardner, T; Monnier, JD; Fekel, FC; et al.