Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    29 April 2003Anisotropy, damping and coherence of magnetization dynamics in a 10 µm square Ni81Fe19 element  Barman, A.; Kruglyak, V.V.; Hicken, R.J.; et al.
    25 May 2004Dependence of anisotropy and damping on shape and aspect ratio in micron sized Ni81 Fe19 elements  Barman, A.; Kruglyak, V.V.; Hicken, R.J.; et al.
    26 May 2004Imaging the dephasing of spin wave modes in a square thin film magnetic element  Barman, A.; Kruglyak, V.V.; Hicken, R.J.; et al.