Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 20233D climate simulations of the Archean find that Methane has a strong cooling effect at high concentrations (article)  Eager-Nash, JK; Mayne, NJ; Nicholson, AE; et al.
    28 October 20223D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability (article)  Ridgway, RJ; Zamyatina, M; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    15 September 2022Bistability of the atmospheric circulation on TRAPPIST-1e  Sergeev, DE; Lewis, NT; Lambert, FH; et al.
    3 August 2020Continuous Structural Parameterization: A Proposed Method for Representing Different Model Parameterizations Within One Structure Demonstrated for Atmospheric Convection  Lambert, FH; Challenor, PG; Lewis, NT; et al.
    14 February 2023Correction to: 3D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability  Ridgway, RJ; Zamyatina, M; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    17 May 2017Exploring the climate of Proxima B with the Met Office Unified Model  Boutle, IA; Mayne, NJ; Drummond, B; et al.
    25 September 2018Exploring the climate of Proxima B with the Met Office Unified Model - Corrigendum  Boutle, IA; Mayne, NJ; Drummond, B; et al.
    28 May 2020Implications of different stellar spectra for the climate of tidally--locked Earth-like exoplanets (dataset)  Eager, JK; Reichelt, DJ; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    26 February 2018The influence of a sub-stellar continent on the climate of a tidally-locked exoplanet  Mayne, NJ; Lewis, N; Lambert, FH; et al.
    29 April 2024Simulating biosignatures from pre-oxygen photosynthesising life on TRAPPIST-1e  Eager-Nash, JK; Daines, SJ; McDermott, JW; et al.
    15 September 2022The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). Part I: Dry Cases – The fellowship of the GCMs  Turbet, M; Fauchez, TJ; Sergeev, DE; et al.