Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 March 2016Boron nitride encapsulated graphene infrared emitters  Barnard, HR; Zossimova, E; Mahlmeister, NH; et al.
    16 December 2015Modulation characteristics of graphene-based thermal emitters  Mahlmeister, NH; Lawton, LM; Luxmoore, IJ; et al.
    28 February 2018Publisher’s Erratum to: Metamaterial-based graphene thermal emitter  Shi, C; Mahlmeister, NH; Luxmoore, IJ; et al.
    11 January 2021Single vs double anti-crossing in the strong coupling between surface plasmons and molecular excitons (article)  Tan, WJ; Thomas, PA; Luxmoore, IJ; et al.
    14 January 2021Single vs double anti-crossing in the strong coupling between surface plasmons and molecular excitons (dataset)  Tan, WJ; Thomas, PA; Luxmoore, IJ; et al.
    17 September 2014Strong coupling in the far-infrared between graphene plasmons and the surface optical phonons of silicon dioxide  Luxmoore, IJ; Gan, CH; Liu, PQ; et al.
    22 May 2018Visible light emitting waveguide on Si chip  Rodríguez Díez, I; Luxmoore, IJ; Nash, G; et al.