Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    29 November 2019First NIR interferometrically resolved high order Brackett and forbidden Fe lines of a B[e] star: V921 Sco  Kreplin, A; Kraus, S; Tambovtseva, L; et al.
    4 April 2018On the Brγ line emission of the Herbig Ae/Be star MWC 120  Kreplin, A; Tambovtseva, L; Grinin, V; et al.
    20 May 2016Resolving the inner disk of UX Orionis ⋆  Kreplin, A; Madlener, D; Chen, L; et al.
    1 March 2013Revealing the inclined circumstellar disk in the UX Orionis system KK Ophiuchi  Kreplin, A; Weigelt, G; Kraus, S; et al.