Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 March 2011Hot phonon decay in supported and suspended exfoliated graphene  Hale, Peter J.; Hornett, Samuel M.; Moger, Julian; et al.
    1 November 2014Localization and field-periodic conductance fluctuations in trilayer graphene  El-Bana, MS; Wolverson, D; Horsell, D.W.; et al.
    30 April 2012Nonlinear resistivity and heat dissipation in monolayer graphene  Price, A.S.; Hornett, Samuel M.; Shytov, A.V.; et al.
    4 August 2014Optically induced oxygen desorption from graphene measured using femtosecond two-pulse correlation  Hornett, Samuel M.; Heath, M.; Horsell, D.W.; et al.
    23 September 2015A pyrene-appended spiropyran for selective photo-switchable binding of Zn(II): UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy studies of binding and non-covalent attachment to graphene, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes  Perry, Alexis; Green, Stephen J.; Horsell, D.W.; et al.