Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    24 July 2014The 2014 interferometric imaging beauty contest  Monnier, JD; Berger, J-P; Le Bouquin, J-B; et al.
    20 February 2007AMBER/VLTI and MIDI/VLTI spectro-interferometric observations of the B[e] supergiant CPD-57\deg2874. Size and geometry of the circumstellar envelope in the near- and mid-IR  Domiciano de Souza, A; Driebe, T; Chesneau, O; et al.
    1 March 2007An asymmetry detected in the disk of κ Canis Majoris with AMBER/VLTI  Meilland, A; Millour, F; Stee, P; et al.
    16 October 2006A compact dusty disk around the Herbig Ae star HR 5999 resolved with VLTI / MIDI  Preibisch, T; Kraus, S; Driebe, T; et al.
    28 February 2019A compact gaseous accretion disk in Keplerian rotation around MWC147  Hone, E; Kraus, S; Davies, CL; et al.
    12 September 2006Constraining the wind launching region in Herbig Ae stars: AMBER/VLTI spectroscopy of HD 104237  Tatulli, E; Isella, A; Natta, A; et al.
    23 July 2010Detection of high-velocity material from the wind-wind collision zone of Eta Carinae across the 2009.0 periastron passage  Groh, JH; Nielsen, KE; Damineli, A; et al.
    13 November 2006Direct constraint on the distance of γ2 Velorum from AMBER/VLTI observations  Millour, F; Petrov, RG; Chesneau, O; et al.
    12 October 2007Disentangling the Wind and the Disk in the Close Surrounding of the Young Stellar Object MWC297 with AMBER/VLTI  Malbet, F; Benisty, M; Wit, WJD; et al.
    20 February 2007Disk and wind interaction in the young stellar object MWC 297 spatially resolved with AMBER/VLTI  Malbet, F; Benisty, M; de Wit, W-J; et al.
    12 October 2007First AMBER/VLTI Observations of Hot Massive Stars  Petrov, RG; Millour, F; Chesneau, O; et al.
    22 July 2010First results from VLTI near-infrared interferometry on high-mass young stellar objects  Kraus, S; Hofmann, K-H; Menten, KM; et al.
    1 August 2008First VLTI infrared spectro-interferometry on GCIRS 7. Characterizing the prime reference source for Galactic center observations at highest angular resolution  Pott, J-U; Eckart, A; Glindemann, A; et al.
    15 September 2017Gas dynamics in the inner few AU around the Herbig B[e] star MWC297: Indications of a disk wind from kinematic modeling and velocity-resolved interferometric imaging  Hone, E; Kraus, S; Kreplin, A; et al.
    23 October 2018GRAVITY chromatic imaging of η Car's core: Milliarcsecond resolution imaging of the wind-wind collision zone (Br γ, He I)  Sanchez-Bermudez, J; Weigelt, G; Bestenlehner, JM; et al.
    16 January 2017A high-mass protobinary system with spatially resolved circumstellar accretion disks and circumbinary disk  Kraus, S; Kluska, J; Kreplin, A; et al.
    15 July 2010A hot compact dust disk around a massive young stellar object  Kraus, S; Hofmann, K-H; Menten, KM; et al.
    1 April 2014The inner circumstellar disk of the UX Orionis star V1026 Scorpii  Vural, J; Kreplin, Alexander; Kishimoto, M; et al.
    20 February 2007Interferometric data reduction with AMBER/VLTI. Principle, estimators, and illustration  Tatulli, E; Millour, F; Chelli, A; et al.
    2 June 2015Investigating 2MASS J06593158-0405277: AN FUor Burst in a Triple System?  Caratti o Garatti, A; Garcia Lopez, R; Ray, TP; et al.