Now showing items 298-317 of 741

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 February 2017Flow and quiet eye: the role of attentional control in flow experience.  Harris, DJ; Vine, SJ; Wilson, MR
    7 April 2016Fluid dynamics alter Caenorhabditis elegans body length via neuromuscular signaling with TGF-β/DBL-1  Harada, S; Hashizume, T; Nemoto, K; et al.
    20 March 2021Fooling the size–weight illusion - Using augmented reality to eliminate the effect of size on perceptions of heaviness and sensorimotor prediction  Rohrbach, N; Hermsdörfer, J; Huber, LM; et al.
    23 January 2019The foot is more than a spring: Human foot muscles perform work to adapt to the energetic requirements of locomotion  Riddick, R; Farris, DJ; Kelly, LA
    15 July 2020Foot stiffening during the push-off phase of human walking is linked to active muscle contraction, and not the windlass mechanism  Farris, DJ; Birch, J; Kelly, L
    11 December 2019Football for promotion of bone health across lifespan.  Vlachopoulos, D; Williams, C; Helge, E; et al.
    19 June 2018The "Football is Medicine" platform-scientific evidence, large-scale implementation of evidence-based concepts and future perspectives  Krustrup, P; Williams, CA; Mohr, M; et al.
    6 July 2016Footwear matters: influence of footwear and foot strike on load rates during running  Rice, HM; Jamison, ST; Davis, IS
    8 January 2016Four biomechanical and anthropometric measures predict tibial stress fracture: A prospective study of 1065 Royal Marines  Nunns, Michael; House, Carol; Rice, Hannah; et al.
    31 March 2020A framework for the testing and validation of simulated environments in experimentation and training  Harris, D; Bird, JM; Smart, AP; et al.
    22 January 2019Fruit-Derived Polyphenol Supplementation for Athlete Recovery and Performance  Bowtell, J; Kelly, V
    16 December 2019Functional electrical stimulation-assisted cycle ergometry in the critically ill: protocol for a randomized controlled trial  Waldauf, P; Gojda, J; Urban, T; et al.
    17 January 2019The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal locomotion (article)  Farris, DJ; Kelly, L; Cresswell, A; et al.
    7 January 2019The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal locomotion (dataset)  Farris, DJ; Kelly, L; Cresswell, A; et al.
    8 October 2018Gait Stability in Older Adults During Level-Ground Walking: The Attentional Focus Approach  Mak, TCT; Young, WR; Chan, DCL; et al.
    1 December 2011Gaze training enhances laparoscopic technical skill acquisition and multi-tasking performance: a randomized, controlled study.  Wilson, Mark R.; Vine, Samuel J.; Bright, E; et al.
    8 February 2019Gaze training supports self-organization of movement coordination in children with developmental coordination disorder  Słowiński, P; Baldemir, H; Wood, G; et al.
    8 November 2016Gazing into Thin Air: The Dual-Task Costs of Movement Planning and Execution during Adaptive Gait  Ellmers, TJ; Cocks, AJ; Doumas, M; et al.
    13 May 2021Genome wide association study of response to interval and continuous exercise training: the Predict-HIIT study  Williams, CJ; Li, Z; Harvey, N; et al.
    1 June 2007‘Get yourself some nice, neat, matching box files!’: Research administrators and occupational identity work  Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn