Now showing items 1-20 of 39

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 November 2018ICOS-L as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Cancer Immunotherapy  Marinelli, O; Nabissi, M; Amantini, C; et al.
    1 February 2005Identity change: doctoral students in art and design  Hockey, John; Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn
    11 October 2017IL-15 promotes human myogenesis and mitigates the detrimental effects of TNF alpha on myotube development  O'Leary, MF; Wallace, GR; Bennett, AJ; et al.
    29 October 2019Impact of sports participation on incidence of bone traumatic fractures and health care costs among adolescents: ABCD – Growth Study  Lynch, KR; Anokye, NK; Vlachopoulos, D; et al.
    2015Impact of wear time criteria upon physical activity estimates in children  Price, LRS; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Rowlands, Ann V.
    1 December 2014Impaired aerobic function in patients with cystic fibrosis during ramp exercise.  Saynor, ZL; Barker, AR; Oades, PJ; et al.
    9 June 2016Impaired pulmonary V˙O2 kinetics in cystic fibrosis depend on exercise intensity  Saynor, ZL; Barker, AR; Oades, PJ; et al.
    12 February 2018Improved Exercise Tolerance with Caffeine Is Associated with Modulation of both Peripheral and Central Neural Processes in Human Participants  Bowtell, J; Mohr, M; Fulford, J; et al.
    12 April 2022Improving skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity via beta2-agonist administration: a promising strategy to counteract metabolic disease and muscle loss  Dirks, ML
    25 September 2017In vivo fascicle length measurements via B-mode ultrasound imaging with single vs dual transducer arrangements  Brennan, SF; Cresswell, AG; Farris, DJ; et al.
    18 May 2020In-task auditory performance-related feedback promotes cardiovascular markers of a challenge state during a pressurized task  Crowe, EM; Moore, LJ; Harris, DJ; et al.
    9 April 2020Incorporating subject-specific geometry to compare metatarsal stress during running with different foot strike patterns  Ellison, M; Kenny, M; Fulford, J; et al.
    27 March 2017Increasing skeletal muscle carnitine availability does not alter the adaptations to high-intensity interval training  Shannon, CE; Ghasemi, R; Greenhaff, PL; et al.
    19 January 2021Increasing skeletal muscle carnitine content in older individuals increases whole-body fat oxidation during moderate-intensity exercise  Chee, C; Shannon, CE; Burns, A; et al.
    21 September 2019Incubation with sodium nitrite attenuates fatigue development in intact single mouse fibres at physiological PO2  Bailey, SJ; Gandra, PG; Jones, AM; et al.
    1 May 2013Independent and combined effects of physical activity and sedentary behavior on blood pressure in adolescents: gender differences in two cross-sectional studies.  de Moraes, AC; Carvalho, HB; Rey-López, JP; et al.
    7 January 2009Independent mobility in relation to weekday and weekend physical activity in children aged 10–11 years: The PEACH Project  Page, Angie S; Cooper, Ashley R; Griew, Pippa; et al.
    7 February 2015Individual limb mechanical analysis of gait following stroke  Mahon, CE; Farris, DJ; Sawicki, GS; et al.
    24 October 2017Inflammation and insulin resistance according to body composition in European adolescents: the HELENA study  González-Gil, EM; Gracia Marco, L; Santabarbara, J; et al.
    27 July 2016Influence of a 12.8-km military load carriage activity on lower limb gait mechanics and muscle activity  Rice, H; Fallowfield, J; Allsopp, A; et al.