Castles and castle building in town and country
Creighton, O.H
Date: 1 May 2005
Maney Publishing
Medieval castles formed parts of urban and rural settlement patterns. ln
the countryside most castles were simultaneously manorial centres, and
their settlement contexts exhibit a high level of regional variation. Castles
found in conjunction with medieval towns were either secondary impositions, usually within the perimeters of ...
Medieval castles formed parts of urban and rural settlement patterns. ln
the countryside most castles were simultaneously manorial centres, and
their settlement contexts exhibit a high level of regional variation. Castles
found in conjunction with medieval towns were either secondary impositions, usually within the perimeters of earlier defences, or primary nuclei
around which urban communities formed. ln contrast to other parts of
Britain and Europe, private urban fortifications were virtually unknown in
England. Castles and accompanying castle-towns formed focal points
within wider rural territories, with fortified sites often lying at the junction
of different types of rural resource.
Archaeology and History
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
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