Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 October 2012Benefits of Open Access  Leonelli, Sabina
    24 October 2012The benefits of open access  Pulsford, Richard
    1 October 2012Can open science be a space for public engagement with science?  Grand, Ann
    1 October 2012Developing Open Access and Research Data Management Policy  Lloyd-Jones, Hannah
    22 October 2012Disruptive Dissemination of Research Outputs  Hahnel, Mark
    1 October 2012Going for Gold: Gold Open Access publishing  Lopez Cobos, Alejandro
    22 October 2012Going for Gold? The RCUK Policy on Access to Research Outputs  Thorley, Mark
    23 October 2012How to Write a Data Management Plan  Cole, Gareth
    22 October 2012Ian Wellaway Open Access Week Presentations  Wellaway, Ian
    24 October 2012Managing your Research Data: Planning to Share  UKDA
    24 October 2012Open access and you - a relationship with promise  Swan, Alma
    24 October 2012Open Access and you: a relationship with promise  Swan, Alma
    1 October 2012Open Access: An Introduction  Evans, Jill
    22 October 2012Open Access: Data Protection, Storage and Sharing  Dominey, Caroline
    23 October 2012Open Practices for the Connected Researcher  Kelly, Brian
    1 October 2012Realising the full potential of Open Access: How I learnt to stop worrying and love the RCUK policy  Neylon, Cameron
    23 October 2012Research Excellence Framework 2014 and Open Access  Wykes, Michael
    1 October 2012Tracking Digital Impact. A Quick Introduction  McClymont, Kent
    1 October 2012What is Open Access? What is research data management? Principles, Policy and Practicalities  Lloyd-Jones, Hannah