Terminal valuations, growth rates and the implied cost of capital
Ashton, David; Wang, Pengguo
Date: 14 August 2012
Review of Accounting Studies
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We develop a model based on the notion that prices lead earnings,
allowing for a simultaneous estimation of the implied growth rate and the cost of
equity capital for US industrial sectors. The major difference between our approach
and that in prior literature is that ours avoids the necessity to make assumptions
about terminal ...
We develop a model based on the notion that prices lead earnings,
allowing for a simultaneous estimation of the implied growth rate and the cost of
equity capital for US industrial sectors. The major difference between our approach
and that in prior literature is that ours avoids the necessity to make assumptions
about terminal values and consequently about future growth rates. In fact, growth
rates are an endogenous variable, which is estimated simultaneously with the
implied cost of equity capital. Since we require only 1-year-ahead forecasts of
earnings and no assumptions about dividend payouts, our methodology allows us to
estimate ex ante aggregate growth and risk premia over a larger sample of firms than
has previously been possible. Our estimate of the risk premium being between 3.1
and 3.9 % is at the lower end of recent estimates, reflecting the inclusion of these
short-lived companies. Our estimate of the long run growth is from 4.2 to 4.7 %.
Finance and Accounting
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
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