Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    30 September 2008Collective resonances in gold nanoparticle arrays  Auguié, Baptiste; Barnes, William L.
    15 February 2009Diffractive coupling in gold nanoparticle arrays and the effect of disorder  Auguié, Baptiste; Barnes, William L.
    26 February 2009Localized surface-plasmon resonances in periodic nondiffracting metallic nanoparticle and nanohole arrays  Parsons, J.; Hendry, Euan; Burrows, Christopher P.; et al.
    2009Sensitivity of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances to Bulk and Local Changes in the Optical Environment  Murray, W. Andrew; Auguié, Baptiste; Barnes, William L.