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dc.contributor.authorWhite, R.S.
dc.contributor.authorVerwichte, E.
dc.contributor.authorFoullon, Claire
dc.description.abstractTransverse loop oscillations observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft are studied after an impulsive solar flare eruption on 2012 May 8. We have found that a transversely oscillating coronal loop seen in the 171 Å bandpass oscillates in anti-phase with respect to adjacent larger loops seen in the 193 Å and 211 Å bandpasses. These unusual oscillations are analyzed to investigate the excitation mechanism responsible for their initial inwardly directed anti-phase behavior. The transverse oscillations are analyzed by constructing space-time diagrams from cuts made parallel to the projected loop displacements. The displacement time oscillation profiles are background subtracted and fitted with a damped cosine curve that includes a linear change in the period with time. The local magnetic topology of the active region is modeled using potential field source surface extrapolation. It reveals that the loops are anchored in different topological regions with foot point locations identified on either side of the EUV flare peak emission source. In this context, the oscillation characteristics indicate that the excitation mechanism is closely linked to the local magnetic field topology and the reconnection generated wave dynamics in the active region rather than following an external flare blast wave. We discuss how observations such as these may serve to identify reconnection processes in similar quadrupolar active regions.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 774 (2), article 104en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Astronomical Society / IOP Publishingen_GB
dc.subjectmagnetohydrodynamics (MHD)en_GB
dc.subjectSun: coronaen_GB
dc.subjectSun: flaresen_GB
dc.subjectSun: oscillationsen_GB
dc.subjectSun: UV radiationen_GB
dc.titleAnti-phase Signature of Flare Generated Transverse Loop Oscillationsen_GB
dc.descriptionCopyright © 2013 American Astronomical Society / IOP Publishingen_GB
dc.identifier.journalAstrophysical Journalen_GB

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