Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    30 April 2023Late-life onset psychotic symptoms and incident cognitive impairment in people without dementia: modification by genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease  Creese, B; Arathimos, R; Aarsland, D; et al.
    19 July 2023Learning how relationships work: a thematic analysis of young people and relationship professionals’ perspectives on relationships and relationship education  Benham-Clarke, SR; Ewing, J; Barlow, A; et al.
    4 December 2023Learning journeys – student learning development in the first years of a medical degree: an analysis of student conversations  Gilbert, KG
    13 March 2023Letter to the editor regarding: “A haemochromatosis-causing HFE mutation is associated with SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility in the Czech population”. Clinica Chimica Acta 538 (2023) 211–215  Atkins, JL; Lucas, M; Pilling, LC; et al.
    10 November 2023Leveraging information between multiple population groups and traits improves fine-mapping resolution  Zhou, F; Soremekun, O; Chikowore, T; et al.
    27 January 2023Lifetime TBI and cognitive domain deficits in late life: The PROTECT-TBI cohort study  Lennon, M; Brooker, H; Creese, B; et al.
    21 December 2023Localisation of nitrate-reducing and highly abundant microbial communities in the oral cavity  L'Heureux, JE; van der Giezen, M; Winyard, PG; et al.
    23 January 2023Loci for insulin processing and secretion provide insight into type 2 diabetes risk  Broadaway, KA; Yin, X; Williamson, A; et al.
    15 September 2022Lung health for all: Chronic obstructive lung disease and World Lung Day 2022  Halpin, DMG; Vogelmeier, CF; Agusti, A