Global Grand Challenges (GCs) have received only a limited attention within the tourism literature and this Progress paper examines one such GC – dementia and the contribution that tourism research can make to helping people live well with dementia. The paper critically debates the concept of GCs, the challenges of addressing them and ...
Global Grand Challenges (GCs) have received only a limited attention within the tourism literature and this Progress paper examines one such GC – dementia and the contribution that tourism research can make to helping people live well with dementia. The paper critically debates the concept of GCs, the challenges of addressing them and how dementia presents both a challenge and opportunity for the academy. Using the concept of the visitor journey and the social model of disability as a paradigm, the paper reviews progress towards creating a more dementia-inclusive society through the auspices of tourism research, reviewing the contributions to date and where the interconnections with dementia and tourism exist. The review draws from a wide interdisciplinary framework including health, medicine, travel medicine and leisure and argues for a greater use of transdisciplinary approaches to address GCs.