‘History is all around us’ may sound like a cliché, but
it is true! The buildings, settlements, roads and fields
that form the backdrop of our daily lives are all in one
sense ‘modern’ – they are in use today – but they all
have a history, and that history in many cases goes
back hundreds or thousands of years.
This history ...
‘History is all around us’ may sound like a cliché, but
it is true! The buildings, settlements, roads and fields
that form the backdrop of our daily lives are all in one
sense ‘modern’ – they are in use today – but they all
have a history, and that history in many cases goes
back hundreds or thousands of years.
This history manifests itself in many different ways. In some
cases buildings in use today are centuries old – notably our parish
churches, while elsewhere ancient settlements and field systems
that have gone out of use still have remains that are still visible
today. Similarly, sometimes there may be nothing visible now
of a place that was significant in the past, but its existence is
commemorated in a modern field- or place-name.
This guide aims to introduce people living in, or visiting, the
Ipplepen area to some of its history, to visit and walk in these
historic places. Locations have been chosen that can be visited
individually by car, or by foot along public rights of way, and
include both obviously historically important places but others
that people may walk past quite oblivious to what’s there.