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dc.contributor.authorKeatley, PS
dc.contributor.authorSani, SR
dc.contributor.authorHrkac, G
dc.contributor.authorMohseni, SM
dc.contributor.authorDürrenfeld, P
dc.contributor.authorÅkerman, J
dc.contributor.authorHicken, RJ
dc.description.abstractSuper-harmonic injection locking of single nano-contact (NC) spin-torque vortex oscillators (STVOs) subject to a small microwave current has been explored. Frequency locking was observed up to the fourth harmonic of the STVO fundamental frequency $f_{0}$ in microwave magneto-electronic measurements. The large frequency tunability of the STVO with respect to $f_{0}$ allowed the device to be locked to multiple sub-harmonics of the microwave frequency $f_{RF}$, or to the same sub-harmonic over a wide range of $f_{RF}$ by tuning the DC current. In general, analysis of the locking range, linewidth, and amplitude showed that the locking efficiency decreased as the harmonic number increased, as expected for harmonic synchronization of a non-linear oscillator. Time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy (TRSKM) revealed significant differences in the spatial character of the magnetization dynamics of states locked to the fundamental and harmonic frequencies, suggesting significant differences in the core trajectories within the same device. Super-harmonic injection locking of a NC-STVO may open up possibilities for devices such as nanoscale frequency dividers, while differences in the core trajectory may allow mutual synchronisation to be achieved in multi-oscillator networks by tuning the spatial character of the dynamics within shared magnetic layers.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grants EP/I038470/1 and EP/K008501/1, the Royal Society under grant UF080837, the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW).en_GB
dc.rightsThis is the author accepted manuscript.en_GB
dc.titleSuper-harmonic injection locking of nano-contact spin-torque vortex oscillatorsen_GB
dc.description21 pages, 8 figuresen_GB

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